Well, here we are! my very last week as a missionary in Moldova. I wish I even had words to express how I feel right now.. but I just dont! I can't believe that this crazy awesome journey is coming to an end :( This last week is going to be so bittersweet, Im just trying to mentally prepare myself haha. Its a strange feeling. But I am ready to see what this week brings, and what my life at home brings!
I am ready to go home and embrace life with a whole new perspective of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the meaning it has in my life. I am so grateful for the fact that we all have such a divine purpose in this life. Nobody on earth was put here merely by coincidence. We all have this incredible potential that we can fulfill, to accomplish things that God has prepared for us to accomplish! I am SO thankful for the Book of Mormon. That book has the power to change lives, and I know this because it changed mine. I am forever changed because of my service as a missionary. Service, love, and charity are the key principles to living a Christlike life. He was the ulitimate example of these attributes during His ministry on earth. These are principles that I have learned more in depth on my mission. I want to strive the rest of my life to love and serve others as Christ did! I know that my calling as a missionary is not over. It's just the beginning! I will serve the Lord for the rest of my life, I continually want to bring others to the knowledge of this AMAZING plan that God has for us. I want to share the wonders of the Book of Mormon with people all throughout my life! I have been blessed immensely because of this book. I have been blessed with the knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and only through Him can we become the best versions of ourselves!
Im so thankful for the experiences I have had these past 18 months, they have strengthened my testimony so much, and just me as a person! I have learned so much about life and how to conquer trials that seem impossible sometimes. Im so thankful for the beautiful moments I have spent with some of the most faithful people I have ever met! I will never forget the memories I have made here in Moldova and Romania :) My mission has truly changed me. It will forever hold a huge place in my heart. :)
I love this gospel. I know it is the truth. I know that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us :)
I love you all! See you in two weeks! 
Multumesc tuturor acelora care m-au ajutat in aceasta calatorie. Aceasta misiune mi-a schimbat viata. Si stiu mai bine decat niciodata ca Biserica aceasta este adevarata, si ca este biserica aleasa. Ar trebuit sa fie restaurata prin intermediul lui Joseph Smith. El intr-adevar a fost un profet al lui Dumnezeu. Sunt recunoscatoare pentru toate principiile pe care le-am invatat pe parcursul misiunii mele. Intotdeauna voi fi recunoscatoare pentru toate experientele (frumoase si grele) pe care le-am trecut. Romania si Moldova sunt cele mai frumoase tari de pe pamant ;) Intotdeauna ma voi gandi la experienta mea ca slujitoara a Domnului. Eu iubesc cu adevarat aceasta biserica. Tot restul vietii mele voi fi misionara a Bisericii lui Isus Hristos a Sfintilor din Zilele din Urma!
Va iubesc pe voi toti. Ne vedem in curand :)
Sora Draper