What This is All About

McKay is now a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She is serving in the Romania/ Moldova Mission for a year and a half. While she is away- her family (that's us) will be posting her weekly emails and updates for loved ones to this blog.

Monday, June 15, 2015

6.15.15 Week 20 Bacau, Romania

There are no words to even describe this week!.... Full of crazy fun adventures, KILLER lessons, (and a few NOT so killer ones)... pouring rain, the beautiful countryside, hitch hiking... (yes, you read that right).. chocolate chip cookies, gypsy pants, and even dragons. :)
Let me start from the beginning.
- We took a little day trip to the countryside outside of Bacau to visit a member's farm, it is absolutely INCREDIBLE out there. I mean really, one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Ever. We got to walk along this river after we had a lesson with them... and we were catching giant FROGS in the river. Sooooo fun, we caught one (his name was Gilbert) and wanted to keep him as a pet. It was such a crazy day, and so beautiful outside :) I love Romanian country sides... it looks like a dream.
- Yes... we literally hitch hiked BACK TO BACAU after we went to the country side. It was AWESOME. CHECK THAT ONE OFF THE BUCKET LIST!!! Romania is awesome.
- This week has had a few CRAZY rain days. But its different here in Romania... when it rains, it absolutely POURS. And Romania is famous for it's crazy lightning storms ;) They light up the whole sky, all night. Its one of the most incredible things Ive ever seen :) Thunder and lighting, allllll night and day. I love it. One of my favorite things in life.
- For a branch game night, we got to watch the movie How to Train your Dragon. :):):) One of my top 5 favorites, EASILY. Gosh I love it
- I caved and bought my first pair of gypsy pants. But they are not just normal style gypsy pants... they are JASMINE color. Yes, Jasmine as in my favorite princess from Aladdin. They are beautiful.. I will treasure them forever. Im becoming a gypsy out here ;)
- We taught Sunday school this past sunday. It was on the Fall of Adam and Eve. Let me tell you.... one thing I have learned out here, preparation is key and having the spirit is also key. But sometimes.... things just DONT go as planned. Hahaha. This was probably the most terrible lesson I have ever taught, in the history of my life. We prepared and planned and everything... it just did not go well. It totally happens sometimes! But the part that made it the worst lesson of all... ah man I can barely talk about it, so humiliating. This is truly one of those embarrassing stories that go down in foreign language mission history. We were teaching about how in the story of Adam and Eve, after they partake of the fruit, God places an ENMITY between Eve's posterity and Satan, so he will not have power of them. It was a protection, and this enmity is the Savior Jesus Christ. So.. I tried to say that in Romanian... by saying "the enmity is a protection. This protection is Jesus Christ and his atonement". Instead.... I freaking MIXED UP THE WORD for "enmity" with the word for "enemy"....... so please just recite that sentence again in your head, but with the word ENEMY. Yes.... that ACTUALLY HAPPENED. In SUNDAY SCHOOL. Hahahhaha.... goes down in missionary- mistake HISTORY. Wow... just wow.
- On a brighter note... we taught some AMAZING LESSONS THIS WEEK with two of our progressing investigators Irina and Gabi. :) They are doing so well and I love watching the light fill their lives with a joy and a love they have never felt before. Such an incredible week :)
I love you all and miss you. So much :) Have a GREAT week :)
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Cu Drag,
Sora Draper

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