Hello my dear loved ones! How are you all? (: Well, just thought I would start by saying... EU SUNT O MISIONARA!!!!! (I am a Missionary!) FYI... whenever I type in Romanian, you have to remember that this keyboard doesnt have ANY of the wacky symbols in the Romanian language so don't bother translating because it wont make sense. The symbols are everything ;) Okay so basically. I LOVE THE MTC!!!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely love it. It's busy, hard, and stressful but I have been very blessed. I have not had any homesickness (or REAL sickness) yet. And I have been surpirsingly okay this whole week! I love the busy schedule and the language is AWESOME. Este fuarte tare. So, day one.... they guide me to the classroom and BAM. Teacher starts speaking in straight Romanian, and hasnt talked English since that moment, basically. Just straight language immersion. Day one every one is just staring at the teachers like they are crazy. So then, get this..... day three.... we have to teach our first investigator a lesson in Romanian. YEP. We are all like.. okay, you guys are nuts we don't even know this psycho language. Well... I want to testify to ALL of you that the gift of tongues is REAL. It is attainable. And it is SUCH a blessing. In one week... I have taught Marian (our Romanian investigator) the complete doctrine of Christ. I have taught him the principles of God, Jesus Christ, the plan of Salvation, the Atonement, The restoration, Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, Prayer, personal revelation, baptism, repeentance, faith, and enduring to the end. ALL in Romanian. WOOOO!!!!! This work is awesome. From the moment I got here I have felt at home. I know that this is EXACTLY what I was meant to do. This is my purpose. :) I look at my tag and I just can't stop smiling because now that I am actually here... it became so real and it means SO much more to me. I truly have felt the blessings and the miracles that accompany missionary work. I can now understand the entire lessons taught during doctrine AND language class. We are totally able to teach and convey this message to our investigator, all in a week. I am so blessed! I feel so lucky to be here and to be serving our Father. For those of you reading this who are 1) waiting for their call, 2) debating serving a mission, or 3) have a mission call but are super super scared and nervous..... You. Will. LOVE. IT. :) <3 Seriously, this is my calling in life and I am SO happy to be here! I am so grateful for the atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ and I am so grateful for the agency we have been given in this life. I am SO glad I chose to serve, this has been the best/ hardest week of my life but I am SO PUMPED and so ready to meet my friends in Romania and Moldova :):) By the way momma.... remember how you told me that I needed to stop drinking Diet Coke and stuff before I came?.. well, joke's on you because there is DIET COKE CAFFEINE FREE HERE. HAHAH that stuff is LIFE. Oh man, missionary life is the great life! I have seen lots of friends here... Domi Forte, Kam Kelson, and Parker Jenson! SO fun. Mother I was also wondering if you could send me 2 copies of the talk "The Miracle of the Mission" by Elder Holland. THANK YOU. Also plz plz plz send Candy. I eat really healthy and stuff here and thats GREAT, but when you are in a classroom learning another language for 5 hours you just need some dang Candy. My comp is awesome her name is Sora Harper. We get along great and she is way way adorable. Also we LOVE GETTING MAIL so plz send me a letter if you are bored if you feel so inclined ;) Aceasta biserca este adavarul restaurat!!! Eu stui ca Isus Hristos este salvatorul nostru. Si, eu stiu ca noi suntem copii lui Dumnezeu. Eu stui ca Isus Hristos are numai dragoste pentru noi. Eu stiu ca Isus Hristos a ispasit pentru noi :) <3 I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! XOXOXO- Sora Draper
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