So YAH! Here we go! Week 2, complete. It has been AMAZING. Heard about the superbowl, sorry uncle Roger ;) Hahah.
In a nutshell, we got 2 new investigators. We teach without the handbook now, which is pretty amazing. I can testify 100% that the gift of tongues is real and that the spirit teaches the lesson. When teaching our investigator Stella, she started talking about her family and how she loves her children. And seriously guys... I just started going OFF in Romanian.. about the Plan of Salvation, how families can be eternal, and how the gospel is centered around families. She was so happy and immediately invited us back the next day. It is INCREDIBLE how powerful the spirit is here in these classrooms and just in this campus alone! I LOVE teaching. I just love it. And I find it pretty natural to form sentences and speak in a way that the investigator can understand. Its so wonderful, the blessings of diligence and faith are REAL. During lessons and language coaching, I can completely understand my teachers. The whole time. It is truly a blessed place, the MTC. And I know now that I was definitely assigned to speak Romanian for a reason.
I got a new companion, we are in a trio. Sora Harper (Logan, Ut) and Sora Dupont (Quebec, Canada). Sora Dupont speaks French and is trying to teach me a little bit. She's amazing. We work AWESOME together and we got our 1st investigator to agree to baptism just after 4 lessons! :) WOOOO!
Mother, I found out that we are now an IPAD mission. So that's cool! Not sure if I will be a Facebook missionary yet... but I guess I will let you know!
Birthday shoutout to my main man Elder Teahan, on the 10th (tuesday). Shoot him an email if you get the chance :)
Okay so I found out some wonderful awesome stuff about Moldova. There is an entire (huge) chunk of the country that is called Transnistria... people say that it is "stuck in 1989" which is when communism ended there. So they are still completely under Russian influence there, and there are Russian troops stationed there at all times that will arrest you on the spot without a passport. Thats also the case in most of Romania. ALSO, there is a food they LOVE there which is called "Piftie", which is literally pig intestines, bones, livers, hooves, snouts, and ears that are boiled in a pot of water (to get all of the fat and gelatin material out) then that nasty residue is put in a mold and goes into the fridge... to make jello. PIG JELLO. Are you kidding me? So yeah that's what I get to look forward to. WOOO!
Also another shoutout to my main sista Kelsey Bain for getting called to the Taipei, Tawaiin mission. You go Kels Kels. I love you! Any other mission calls please email me asap so I can stay updated!
The mission is the BEST decision I have ever made. I have learned SO MUCH in the past two weeks. I have learned so much about myself and about my Heavenly Father. Do not ever let ANYTHING bring you down, because in God's eyes you are such an important part of his plan.
Dumnezeu si Isus Hristos are numai dragoste pentru noi. Si, eu stiu ca Joseph Smith a fost un profet si afost chemat de Dumezeu a restaurat la biserca lui Isus Hristos a sfintilor din zilele din urma. Imi place evanghelia pentru ca noi putem FERICIRE! Si noi putem avea speranta, credinta, si dragoste in viata noastra.
I love you all SO MUCH. Keep striving every day to be better missionaries, we can ALL effect someone in some way. Aceasta Evanghelia este adavarul. :)
Have a great week and I'm SO grateful for all of you!
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