What This is All About

McKay is now a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She is serving in the Romania/ Moldova Mission for a year and a half. While she is away- her family (that's us) will be posting her weekly emails and updates for loved ones to this blog.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

2.18.15 Week 4 at the MTC

Well... Buna ziua, prietenea și famila mea!
Yes, I learned how to type the symbols now! Yay for Romănian!

This week was very good. Lots (and I mean LOTS) of lessons to be learned! 
But first off, I want to say thank you SO MUCH for all of the love I received on v-day! Thank you for all of the packages and cards. I feel so loved :)

Congrats RACHEL DEAN for getting called to Calgary, CANADA speaking Spanish! Seriously so so so proud of you and I love you so much. You will love Provo MTC. :)

So this week we have taught a lot, laughed a lot, cried a lot, smiled a lot, loved a lot, and depended a LOT on the spirit to help us. A pretty crazy thing happened. Actually TWO crazy things. 
1) During a lesson, we were talking to our investigator about the first Chapter of 1 Nephi, about the sacrifices Nefi and his famila made for the Lord. And how they picked up everything and left their home and their belongings. And we taught about how they knew that the Lord would help them get through it. THEN, all of a sudden, I thought about one of my favorite scriptures, Doctrina și Legamintele 121:7..... and I just started talking about how if we put our faith in the Lord and make the sacrifices we need to, we will receive help and guidance and our trials can be overcome. THEN... I just freakin quoted this scripture, straight from the heart. I had KIND OF tried to memorize it a few days earlier, but not for the lesson. Just because I love that scripture. And then, somehow, it perfectly tied into this lesson with Andrei. I was able to say the entire scripture, straight from the heart. And I just looked right at Andrei and said.... Fiul meu, pacea sa fie în sufletul tău. Adversitațile și suferințile tale vor fi numai pentru un scurt timp. (My son... peace be unto thy soul. For thine adversities and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment. And I explained that our trials can be overcome if we put full faith and trust in Him. And he was like amazed that I had it memorized, which is funny because I didnt even know I had it memorized! Hahaha. So that was incredible, and it made the lesson SO POWERFUL! 
2) Another great lesson moment... we were teaching Andrei again. And we were teaching about having faith in Isus Hristos, and about repentance. And the lesson went greattttt. So then, near the end, we were about to close the lesson with a prayer. But I had this STRONG feeling that I should ask him to be baptized. And in my mind I was like WHAT? You are crazy, brain. He is not ready yet. But, I asked him anyways. I talked about following the footsteps of Christ and following his example, and that having faith in him is required in order to do this. And I asked him if he would follow the example of Hristos and be baptized. And he was like astounded. So were my companions, but they were both grinning and we totally just knew that it was right. So then he was super happy and smiling, and he said he would ponder on it and pray about this week. He was so happy I asked him! That was an incredible moment, and I cant wait to experience this stuff in the field. 

Speaking of which... I leave in 11 days for România. WOWWWW! Time just flies by :) 

Okay so I hope you all have a wonderful week! I love you all and I am so so thankful for the love and support.

Eu știu ca Dumnezeu și Isus Hristos au numai dragoste pentru noi. Eu sunt FOARTE fericita pentru că sunt o misionara :) 

Toți dragostea mea,

Sora Draper :)

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